Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Catching Up

So far, we've read several essays about reading and education, discussed some philosophy, especially as it pertains to education and The Good Life, and set ourselves the thesis for the persuasive essay based on the value of education in attaining The Good Life.

We have the in-class peer-editing process scheduled for Friday of this week, and you will have a work period on Thursday.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Intro to the course

Welcome to ENG4U1 2015.

By now you've received your first day handout, written your 3 paragraph introduction to me, and begun your ISU assignment.
Just a reminder that there are fairly good resources on the CCVI 4U1 English course page which I encourage you to read over when you have some time to kill. is the main course page. has helpful pages under the critical thinking supplement.