Well, so much for daily blogging. I've been a little busy, what with report cards and all. So, just to make a bit of an effort:
today we finished the Quotation Analysis work with group analysis based on Dickenson's "A Light Exists in Spring" which I analyzed for you and handed out as a photocopy. I handed out your report cards, and then we went outside to sit in the bleachers and read short stories. Next week, I have scheduled a content test for the short stories sometime before the first seminar on Friday. I will give you as much time as possible to read the short stories before the test (think about that and you'll know when the test is). Also, we need to have one final quotation analysis evaluation on Gulliver's Travels, and that will also happen next week. So, I don't like to schedule significant work for Mondays, and I want to model a seminar for you before I expect you to do your first seminar. I'm thinking that I'll model my seminar for you on Wednesday...