We finished discussing the persuasive strategies used in "America on $195 a Week", and I gave you the names and page numbers of three other persuasive essays you can refer to for ideas about structure, strategies, and organization.
We used the rest of the period for peer editing. If you missed it, get the sheet from yesterday's post and work on this on your own.
Here's the handout on Unity and Coherence (if you need a refresher).
From the blackboard:
Persuasive Essay Essentials
Content - Insight, ideas, reasons, examples, quotations, logic.
Organization - ideas in distinct sections, develop thesis so that everything else ties into it - sequence, periodic, circular
Coherence - sentences are clear and complete with effective transitions
Diction - interesting (but don't eat the thesaurus), appropriate word choices
Mechanics - CCVI format (Communication Guide) English is one of the Humanities, so use MLA format (endnotes)
edit for spelling and sentence structure