Friday, February 6, 2009


Nice, easy class discussion based on the Ideas question sheet. We also worked a little on civilized discussion styles and the importance of sharing your voice (your opinion) and not being a sponge and not brutalizing people with your opinions (that's something I still need to work on!) Some of your are still finalizing your ISU novel. Mrs. Skrinda has let us know that there is a link to quality secondary sources on the library page now:
On the library website, there is a bar called "seconday sources" (on the left hand side of the page) that leads to websites that have quality reviews of books (New York Times Book Review for example) It might give them a start, at least. You can thank Mr. Rowe for this resource.
Great library and librarians! Make sure you thank them for their great work before you graduate.
So, if are struggling a little with the secondary source part of the assignment, look here first for some ideas.

We start grammar for seriously on Monday (yes, I _know_ that's not proper grammar - I'm being funny), so bring your money, your grammar book, or your photocopied pages of the grade 11 grammar expectations to class on Monday, as well as your Echoes text.