Monday, February 9, 2009

Useful links for literary discussion and analysis

I've put several pages online. They are a mixture of old handouts that we don't use anymore (but are just too great to throw out), information I never got around to making a handout for in the first place, and possibly the duplicate of a handout you received in an earlier grade. Use them if you find them useful, but do read through them to see if there is anything helpful in there for this course.

Critical Reading
Writing a Literary Critical Analysis
Unity, Cohesion, Emphasis
Integrating Quotations Seamlessly
Strategies for Finding and Stating Significance
Argumentation and Persuasion
Writing an Effective Quotation Analysis

That's it so far. I'll post more things here as I type them up, think of them, or unearth them from the many files of paper I seem to have collected.